How does LED Teeth Whitening Work?

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If you’ve been researching teeth whitening kits you are probably wondering what are those blue LED flashlights all about, how does LED teeth whitening work? Well the first thing to understand is that there isn’t such a thing as LED … Continued

3 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

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Before all the teeth whitening chemical solutions came along people were still concerned about the color of their teeth and developed some teeth whitening home remedies using all natural products helped get their teeth whiter. These remedies won’t produce the … Continued

About Teeth Whitening Strips

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Teeth whitening strips offer consumers an in-home solution for dull and yellowing teeth. If you case of yellowing teeth isn’t severe and you don’t want to rip your wallet, then teeth whitening strips are a great solution. Teeth whitening strips … Continued

What Causes Yellow Teeth?

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Nobody likes having yellow teeth. We all dream of having a white smile we can be proud of so that we can be ourselves when surrounded by others, smile and laugh without worrying about showing our teeth. There are several … Continued

How to whiten teeth naturally

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All teeth whitening procedures are based on one of two principles which are physical action against stains or chemical reaction. You can read more about how teeth whitening works here. Natural methods to whiten your teeth are no exception, they … Continued

Does teeth bleaching work?

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If you are looking to whiten your teeth and are considering your options you might be asking yourself, does teeth bleaching work? The short answer is yes, it does. According to a study by a team at the University Dental … Continued

How to whiten teeth

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We all want to have white teeth, a smile we can be proud of. White teeth give you the self-confidence you need to be yourself in public and is also a sign of a great dental hygiene which is key … Continued

How does teeth whitening work?

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There are many different products and procedures to whiten your teeth. However, at the end of the day all of them, no matter if we speak about in-office or over-the-counter solutions, work in one of two ways: 1. Physical action … Continued